January 1 Homily--Life is Good.
Life is ultimately good and joyful. Our Faith, as catholics as Christians, is incredibly fulfilling. There is so much that make sense, and provides meaning. Arriving at this though is not always easy. It requires a degree of effort on our part (and I daresay, at times a LOT of effort) Yet, when the effort is made: as the shepherds, we go into our lives glorifying and praising God. Glorifying and praising for the freedom and joy that we have found and experienced. What is that effort? It is in the phrase almost at the center of this gospel passage: “And Mary kept all of these things, reflecting on them in her heart.” Mary “reflects” couple of times in Luke’s Gospel: she ponders the angel’s greeting, and when Jesus runs away from them to be in the Temple, after the resolution of that family drama, the gospel says she treasured all these things in her heart. Socrates says, through Plato: “An unexamined life is not wort...