
Showing posts from January, 2017

Cuarto Domingo El Sufrimiento no es de Dios. Dios es el camino a la paz

¿De Porque nuestro Dios bueno permite el sufrimiento? No sé si alguien dieran atención, pero este semana era el septuagésimo aniversario del cerrado de Auschwitz Campo de la Muerte y el recordatorio del horror del holocausto. Esta semana hubo más evidencia de la brutalidad de la guerra y el asunto malo de los refugiados. Esta semana recordamos la matanza de los infantes por los abortos. Hubo más del odio y la maldad por los líderes. Y sé hay personas en pena:  cánceres, depresión, la falta de refugio. Hay personas con los corazones partidos. Hay personas tan solos. ¿De porqué Dios permite el sufrimiento? Dios no lo permite, ni Él lo desea. Nosotros lo permitimos.  Nosotros lo deseamos.   Dios ha revelado el camino a la paz y nosotros lo ignoramos. Parece que deseamos a seguir el camino de nuestros egos; más preocupado con nuestras propias cosas, dinero, haciendo la manera que YO quiero. Permitimos nuestros miedos a guiarnos. Por eso, h...

4th Sunday--Suffering is not from God: from God comes the way of Peace

Why does our Good God permit suffering? I don’t know if anyone paid attention, but this week was the 70th anniversary of the closing of Auschwitz Death Camp and a reminder of the horror of the holocaust, and how Jews, slavic peoples, mentally disabled, gays, seventh Day adventists and many others were exterminated by a government. This week we received more reminders of the brutality of war and the plight of refugees. This week we were reminded of the slaughter of infants through abortion. I know people are hurting;  cancers, depression, lack of decent housing. People are having their hearts broken by friends and family.  People are lonely.  People are so filled with violence. Why does God permit this suffering? God does not permit suffering, nor does God will it.   We permit it.  We will it. God has revealed the way to peace; we don’t seem to follow it. We still seem to follow the way of ego; we are more concerned about my stuff, my ...

MGC Jan 26 Living the faith brings us to Life


MGC Jan 25 We can do great things with Faith...such as love.


MGC Jan 24. God's will creates community


Morning Gospel & Coffee Jan 23. Conflicts: build community through them


MGC Jan 12 Evangelization: rooted in joy


Jan 11 MGC discernment---again


MGC Jan 10 Authority through Belief


Jan 9, 2017 Baptism is a lived reality!


MgC Jan 5 Community


MGC Jan 4 2017 Come and See


Morning Gospel & Coffee Jan 3
