To be fulfilled as a person, to be human: what does it all mean? People search for it; people want to “Search for themselves” so they will eat their way in Milan, or visit an Ashram, do all these exotic acts. They buy lots of books, take classes. Catholics...well, fulfillment is in part what this Gospel scene is about. We know that Jesus is the Son of God, announced at his birth, baptism, and at this transfiguration. The transfiguration It is a moment when his divinity literally shows through within his body. And as amazing as this event is, it is not what Jesus is about. The church, the salvation of humanity does not remain on Mt Tabor. This is why he does not want to stay up there with Peter and the guys. No, Jesus’ fulfillment as the Son of God, as human and divine is not in this moment... He knows that his fulfillment will be in the cross and resurrection. In that supreme moment when he trusted in the Father’s love for hi...