
Showing posts from October, 2017

MGC OCT 31: Look up and see the small ways the Kingdom (love) fill our lives


Morning Gospel & Coffee Oct 30: Love forms the heart of the law


30th Sunday Homily Love is at the core; but what is love?

About a month ago, Bishop McElroy of San Diego, speaking against hateful speech of Catholics against Catholics, said “ Our central call is to love the Lord our God with all our heart and to love our neighbor as ourselves”. Love, Charity, is at the heart of our lives Love is our mission. Do our actions, do our choices reflect Love or something else? Jesus too in this gospel passage is in the midst of conflict.  He has been in a war of words with the religious leadership, the Pharisees and Sadducees.   These “men of God” have been attacking Jesus and his teaching, and Jesus has not only systematically defended himself, but has silenced their faulty arguments. Here is he again, with the men who were supposed to know the law, and Jesus reminds them at the heart of the Law, there is Love. Love anchors it all. I am a child of the 60’s and 70’s. I grew up with songs such as “What the World needs now, is Love, Sweet Love…” And commercials with...

MGC Oct 24 Those who live with Christ, have more ability to live as Christ....are we?


MGC Oct 24 Salvation shown by how Alert we are


Morning Gospel and Coffee Oct 23: Salvation shown through our priorities


29th Sunday Homily - Love Conquers all Fear

Love conquers all Fears. A fascinating Gospel passage given to us, isn’t it.  It tells us right away the Pharisees and Herodians are out to trap Jesus .  They want to destroy Jesus.  The coin issue is simply a means to an end. The real issue here is why they wish to destroy Jesus ? And what does this have to say about our own role as believers of Jesus Christ and of his salvation offered to us? Now when we read more of Matthew’s Gospel we understand this is part of whole series of conflicts between Jesus and the leadership.   He critiqued their role of service and religious duty, and has found it lacking. He revealed a God of compassion, mercy, healing, forgiveness.   Jesus revealed that the Father is Love These leaders are scared They are scared of what Jesus represents.   Jesus is a threat to their way of thinking, their way of life, their power.  Therefore they react out of this fear, they seek to protect themselves...

MGC Oct 19 We all have a duty


MGC Oct 18 Discipleship = Mission; Catholic = Mission


MGC Oct 17 Being a person of integrity = Sign of God's love


Morning Gospel and Coffee Oct 16 Being open to the signs


28th Sunday Homily God's dignity is what we wear

Who comes to mind when we think of Dignified? How does that person act?  How does that person appear? Are we dignified? Our Catholic Teaching is that since God has created all human persons in God’s own image, all human persons have an inherent dignity.   Therefore all human persons are to be treated as such; with dignity. Therefore all human persons are to act as such; with dignity. This underlies the teaching on the value of Human life, and why we do not kill life as in the death penalty, euthanasia and of course abortion. This is why we speak out for those who are poor and disadvantaged, who lack the protections so many of us have. This is why we speak out against war and violence; against human trafficking, and other crimes in our society that are an affront to our human dignity. The other part of this is that we humans, created in God’s own image, are created to be with God.   And, now stay with me on this, since God cannot be any l...