26th Sunday Mission over "my" way
At the End of Mark’s Gospel, Jesus tells the disciples to GO and spread the Good New At the End of Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus tells the disciples GO spread the Good News At the End of Luke’s Gospel, Jesus tells the disciples that the Gospel is to be proclaimed to all the nations. Our mission as Catholics, is to GO and spread the Good news of Jesus Christ, the Good News that we have experienced for ourselves. So how’s it going? The name “Catholic” comes from a Greek word meaning “universal”. The meaning not necessarily that that Catholics are to be everywhere, but that Catholics are for everyone one. We Catholics naturally are to be inclusive. How many of us know that there are actually different “flavors” of Catholics? We here in the Diocese of Reno, in this parish of Our Lady of the Snows are the Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church. That is our flavor, our Rite. There are other Catholics who belong to different Rites, the Eastern Rites, and several of us serve here. I...