
Showing posts from October, 2018

MGC Oct 31 Salvation needs a relationship with the Savior


MGC Oct 30 Salvation = Trust in God (and in others)


Morning Gospel & Coffee Oct 29 Salvation: seeing the person in need


30th Sunday Homily - Salvation: What do we want of Jesus?

For those who have heard me preach, and will continue to hear my preach, the homily often includes or is about Salvation.  Jesus saves us. He is our salvation. This is the core of our belief. However, what I think we can lose that powerful meaning of what salvation is; and we can think it only means “me” getting into heaven. This Gospel clearly reveals it is not. Salvation is an attitude, and event, a reality in the now. When experienced and lived, then completes itself in heaven. But first is must be a reality in our lives today! In this place.  Salvation is about having life and having life in the full.   Salvation also is something entirely personal, not individualistic, but personal. Jesus Christ brings to us the freedom to be engaged in living life in the full, which means living life with and for others, a life of Love. He reveals the true path to Freedom. This is the Good News! I love this Gospel passage for a couple of reasons.  One, it talks a...

MGC Oct 24 Taking on responsibility


MGC OCT 23 Prepared to love = Prepared to serve


Morning Gospel & Coffee Oct 22 Salvation; freedom to life life fully


29th Sunday Homily. Are we experiencing the Joy?

God created us to be joyful. Not happy, but joyful. Not an emotion, but an attitude really. An attitude I believe of hope and gratitude: hope that when we are not happy, when life seems burdensome, it will get better because God’s love endure; Gratitude that when life is light, we give thanks to God because God’s love endures. God created us to be joyful. Anyone else having a difficult time living that joy? In what I consider a brilliant podcast, and one of many, Krista Tippet in her “OnBeing” show, had two political commentators from the opposite side of the aisle gather and speak. Not about issues, but about discourse. Both recognized that what has happened is that it has all come down to winning; People want to win, they think they Have to win; which means people must defeat the other, the adversary and/or enemy. God created us to be joyful. Our own egos are the biggest threat to joy. Egos demand attention. Egos demand that life must go “my” way. Egos demand that the univer...

MGC Oct 18 Ministry, its not always easy (especially with an ego issue)


MGC Oct 17 Fighting clericalism (entitlement) with gratitude


MGC Oct 16 Salvation = integrity


Morning Gospel & Coffee Oct 15 2018 Discover the treasure in front of us


28th Sunday- What reality do we live in?

There is a local legend around Reno of a certain man, a non Christian, who took the classes for Catechists. Upon completion of the classes, this non-Christian man applied to teach children in parishes. He was denied. He did not understand that Faith is not something that is taught from books; nor is a degree, but is a lived experience. It is a lived experience that begins with an experience of God’s love. Let’s face a reality; we here at this Parish and generally in this US culture, we are wealthy. We have money. We have good educations. We have a good degree of security. We have cars, jobs, clean sheets to sleep on. These are not bad things. What are they for? A lot of us also have wealth in other “Stuff”. We are wealthy in thoughts that are self-critical or judgmental of others, wealthy in anger, wealthy in fear, wealthy in sadness;  We are wealthy in ourselves. These are not so good. What are they for? Recently I was chatting with a friend who grew up i...