
Showing posts from March, 2019

4th Sunday of Lent: Seeing the Way of Christ

I remember decades ago going out during the middle of the night to observe a meteor shower that was supposed to be especially strong. I went outside looked up, and all I saw was clouds. I was very disappointed. Until my eyes adjusted to the dark and realized the so called clouds were stars. LOTS of stars. I was seeing the Milky Way for the first time. I realized I was seeing stars just like our sun and I began to grasp just how huge the universe may be. And how small I was in it. How we experience and see in situations can change us. Maybe one of the greater aspects of living in Nevada is the ability to see far. Unless we have lived in large cities, or the midwest or east, or even next door in California, where the ability to see the horizon is limited by buildings, trees, hills, we can lose the appreciation for that ability to see miles and miles. To see the mountain ranges extend; to see Thunderstorms that are developing over Lee Vining, even though we live in Reno. Spring is com...

MGC March 28 Why the negativity? "I" know...


MGC March 27 God's Law


MGC March 26 Forgive and be free


Morning Gospel & Coffee March 25 Joy in God's plans


3rd Sunday (Scrutiny) Looking for Love

<<note, the gospel and readings are from Year A, used for the Scrutinies>> In the 1980, a groundbreaking film was released.  A dramatic story of a man searching in life, via an electric bull.  A song from that movie by Johnny Lee made the charts… “Looking for love in all the wrong places” Where do we look for love? A story of our lives.  Our movies, our tv, our literature filled with people looking to be loved. We look for love via social media, in our brew pubs, coffee houses, in many places. And we can find love, sometime. Or a form of love anyway. Teens just starting out on that journey, sorry, but it can be quite painful. There will be a crush on someone, hard, and then when it does not work out...ouch!  This applies for males as well as females. Broken hearts are part of the journey. Yet we know this process can continue into the 20’s, 30’s, 40’s…. What is love? The English language fails when it comes to this w...

MGC March 21 Do we have the full story of Jesus?


MGC March 20 Service


MGC March 19: Joseph is the MAN!


Morning Gospel & Coffee March 18 Challenge to make a difference


2nd Sunday of Lent homily - Our Goals!

How can we get to where we are going, if we do not know our destination? I am presuming that there are people like me who like nice, tidy, cleaning endings. Nothing long and drawn out...just get it done. I want a project well defined, and I want it completed...otherwise my attention span is gone and I forget about it. Same thing with goodbyes too...just say goodby; these long drawn out experience...uggh. Think about our election cycle! We don’t even have to vote for another year and a half, but already….so LONG and DRAWN out. Our society seems to like immediate gratification and the easy path. If we could get 6 pack abs and buns of steel with one gym workout, or even better, one pill...that would be awesome! Think of the old cartoon the Jetsons...the many pills that took care of the immediate needs. And how many of us could go back to the old dial up internet?...all that noise, so slow…. I get upset if a page doesn’t load within half second. NOW NOW NOW Once a man approached me ...

MGC March 14 We don't always get what we prayer


MGC March 13 On the Road to nowhere or in the right direction?


MGC March 12 Prayer-Being open to God


Morning Gospel & coffee March 11 Why are we doing good? Or not?


1st Sunday of Lent : The Path of Life is the Path of Christ

Following the Path of Christ brings life! There is a podcast in which these two women live to the letter a self help book for two weeks, and then they evaluate it. It can be quite funny and quite serious at the same time. They evaluate it to see if the process did help them in some way become a better person; if it helps them improve in some aspect of their individual lives. Now there is nothing particularly wrong with Self Help books and techniques. I think a lot of people can get some insight into their lives and find some ways to grow as a person; maybe even find techniques to make life a bit better. There is a danger though of becoming too focussed on the “me”. Our western society/philosophy is very “I” or “Me” centered. It is our philosophy that individual rights are more important than anything else. This defines our politics, it defines our economics, it defines many of our life styles. “My right to….” complete the sentence. This is behind abortion, euthanasia, gun ...

MGC march 7 We are to give of ourselves


MGC Ash Weds. Lent is NOT a Self Help Technique


MGC March 5 Why? Because it makes a difference!


Morning Gospel & Coffee March 4 Finding our selves in God


8th Sunday Homily - Walking together in Christ

How will we be church? How will we express the Love the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit? Last weekend it was my privilege to spend time with 30 couples preparing for the Sacrament of Matrimony. 30 couples who will make a commitment to each other, as wife and husband; a commitment to stay together which forms them as a family. They will share their joys with one another and their sorrows. They will grow together by that sharing and learning from each other. Partners in the very truest sense of the word. Mentors are also our partners. They are those people who walk with us in life, probably not for the whole journey, but for a part of it, when we need it. Mentors teach us through example. They walk by showing us how they have overcome and dealt with challenge; and they share that with us. I think of a two in my life especially, who helped me see differently. They pushed me to grow, even when I resisted because it was scary to change. They never got yelled at me, never cr...