4th Sunday of Lent: Seeing the Way of Christ
I remember decades ago going out during the middle of the night to observe a meteor shower that was supposed to be especially strong. I went outside looked up, and all I saw was clouds. I was very disappointed. Until my eyes adjusted to the dark and realized the so called clouds were stars. LOTS of stars. I was seeing the Milky Way for the first time. I realized I was seeing stars just like our sun and I began to grasp just how huge the universe may be. And how small I was in it. How we experience and see in situations can change us. Maybe one of the greater aspects of living in Nevada is the ability to see far. Unless we have lived in large cities, or the midwest or east, or even next door in California, where the ability to see the horizon is limited by buildings, trees, hills, we can lose the appreciation for that ability to see miles and miles. To see the mountain ranges extend; to see Thunderstorms that are developing over Lee Vining, even though we live in Reno. Spring is com...