4th Sunday of Advent Homily: We remember to make it real

The Jewish spiritual understanding of remembering is called Anamnesis. We remember to make what we remember real in our lives. It is not nostalgia, but a call to action. For the Jewish people, Passover was and is pre-eminent. They remember how God freed them so as to live out that freedom in their lives. God created all. God created all with a purpose. God created this universe and this world to be one with God. We are part of that creation. We have a special place in creation, in that our humanity is about the work with and for God to continue creation; to make heaven and earth one. We also need to remember that Creation was not just a one singular event, but is an ongoing process; it continues until this today. And amid that process of creation God does something wonderful, and God asks Mary to participate in this wonderful action. Mary, full of Grace, willingly participates in God's plan. She models humanity; she symbolizes what we were created for. She works for a...