1st Lent - Where are we, where are we going?

How did we survive without our phones? How did we ever get around without our map apps? I would still be lost in Rome if it were not for those apps. Think about this...When we call an Uber or Lyft, what is the first question we are asked? “Where are you? Where do you want to be picked up at?” A great question, “Where are we?” I know, we are at Our Lady of the Snows parish, 1138 Wright St. Reno Nevada 89509. But “Where are we?” In our hearts and in our minds? As individuals and as a community, a church All of our lives are a journey. Conversion into the fullness of who we are as persons is a lifelong process. See, it’s not about being the “Best uber Catholic” But even deeper, about being a true human person. During Lent we especially focus on that journey, and Lent is an opportunity to pause; to consider where we are and what seems to be the direction we are going in. Maybe we have no sense of direction whatsoever? No clue where we are; ju...