Homily for Pentecost
It is sad and frightening to see such violence, such division; here in our biggest little city. Here so close to home. It creates anger because we expect our own to act better. The word “catholic” means universal. The intent from the original Greek means “universally for all people”. We are for all people. The Good News is for all people; and I stress ALL people. God; to be Christian means to believe in One God and Three Persons. God is Trinity; God is Unity; God is diversity. These are inherent of God, therefore inherent of humanity. The Holy Spirit, part of the Divine community of God, actively binds the community as one. Love acts as the binding force. Love meaning to see the goodness of the other and desire to bring forth that Goodness. The Father, so complete in Love, sees and knows the Goodness of the Son and gives of himself completely to the Son. The Son, so complete in Love, sees, knows and accepts the Love of the Father totally, and in response...