26th Sunday Homily Conversion: God brings for the good within us
Einstein’s famous formula, E=mc2, describes how matter converts to energy and vice versa. The universe, over 13 billion years ago, was pure energy all within a single point. This energy expanded, cooled, and converted to matter, which eventually became us. Plants convert the photons of light into food. We convert fossil fuels into our energy, of course, now with detrimental effects. We convert mechanical energy into sound waves and make music. Carbon, black and sheet like, can be converted to brilliant hard diamonds. A few simple cells in a womb convert into a human child. A way to think about conversion is not about changing something from one thing into another, but about bringing forth the inherent properties. What if People don’t need to change? What if we considered that people do not need to change? Rather, consider if we believed that people need their inherent goodness to be brought forth. I remember once, many years ago in a galaxy far far ...