All Saints Homily - Being Fully Human
What does it mean to be human? Whether we are conscious of it or not, we all have an idea of what it means to be human. Technically, the concept or the philosophy of what it means to be human is called “anthropology”. Humans are simply complex chemical reactions contained in matter, nothing more. This would be the anthropology of materialism, or those who think we are nothing more than machines. This also believes we can be predicted and therefore manipulated. It also believes when “Faulty” or undesired, it is okay to shut them down. Another anthropology: Humans are animals, complex animals, but animals nonetheless. Our actions are all about preserving ourselves, getting more and more to survive. We consume and consume and we are driven by basal drives. Yet another one: Humans inherently seek their own well being; are self-serving. Humans are isolated from others. Therefore all will disappoint us, including politicians. We don’t need anyone else, only “I...