Feast of the Most Holy Trinity - God lives NOW
Nostalgia, I think, is a two edged sword. We remember the past with a degree of fondness, maybe even with a little longing. It sounds good, but is what we remember truly the reality? I am not generally a nostalgic person. I am a child of the 70’s & 80’s, bell bottoms, polyester leisure suits. I have good memories growing up; I also have a lot I would like to forget. But now, there are amazing things going on. Wonderful things, and yes, not so wonderful things that persist still from our darker side. Still, I sense incredible changes in our parish, in our church. Changes that will serve our community well. It is a church that tries and struggles to recenter ourselves on Christ; not on an institution. Recenter on mission and not ourselves. A church that becomes more universal, for all people. We can appear as irrelevant to so many; this has become our challenge. People don’t attack us, they simply become indifferent. We cannot remain indifferent, we cannot ...