13th Sunday Homily God is Life

Several years ago, a couple had a toddler; all beautiful and healthy, except for an undetected genetic disorder. At 18 months the disorder kicked in and within 2 weeks he died. His parents were devastated. A community gathered around them, a funeral home offered services for free. The parents then began a project to raise awareness and funds towards this disorder. My one grandmother, born over 100 years ago, married my grandfather, and were married for around 50 years. During most of that time, my grandmother never learned to drive. She let my grandfather do all the driving. However, as they got older something changed, and they decided she needed to learn. So she did, but mostly she had grandpa drive. He died suddenly of a massive heart attack. She was devastated. She mourned. Then she started driving on her own; going out with friends, visiting. She enjoyed it and for almost 20 years she lived a new independence. A young man got caught up in a lifestyle that eventually l...