
Showing posts from September, 2021

26th Sunday Homily United in Christ or divided by ego

How many of you have played the domino game “Mexican Train”? I first learned this game a few years ago taught to me by a family. It was fun. Well, I also knew that Fr. Mike absolutely loves the game. So we gathered a few people and we played. Turns out he plays by different rules. I was confused. I mentioned these to other family and they were also confused by Mike’s rules. So when I play with Mike I play by his rules, with the family by their rules. All that matters is that we have fun, and I win. How do we live out our lives as good people, as Catholics, as disciples of Jesus? Well, there is really no one exact way; rather there are many different flavors of being Catholic, being Christians. Really, when it comes down to it, the means to living out the faith are of less importance to the end. The end of course being mission, building up the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth.  This is what we need to keep in mind. We are united in mission, in our Faith in God’s love for...

24th Sunday. God as Hope

Why me Lord? A cry from people experiencing hardship, pain, death, doubts. Why me?  It can be gut wrenching to hear it, and of course more so to experience. Bad things happen and we want to know why. Did I deserve this? Is this God?  I think of all the people mourning loved ones who have died to COVID, cancers, who lost parents and loved ones 20 years ago, had to evacuate from fires, cannot find a decent place to live, who work their butts off but still can’t get ahead...why Me?  How many times was this cried out in St. Mary’s, Renown NMCC, in Haiti, Afghanistan, Mexico… or in NYC, Washington DC, in a field in Pennsylvania. Why me? Why us?  Therein is our faith. Generations struggled with this same question. We can read of this in the Old Testament/Hebrew Scriptures. As the people struggled with disasters, with death yet a people called the chosen, they sought wisdom. That wisdom came. That wisdom was and is hope. Hope that God, as the rock and as the stre...

23rd Sunday Vindication with Love and Forgiveness

This past week amid all the other news the Governor of West Virginia announced the pardon of the Martinsville 7. A group of black men accused of a rape 70 years a go and executed for this. The Governor said that the bias in the trial was overwhelming, thus a fair trial was not possible.   Also recently the Governor of Colorado pardoned a man who had been likewise executed decades ago; a man with limited mental comprehension that the police forced into a confession. Ideally our justice system bases itself on objective facts. The facts of the case, as Joe Friday always wanted, condemn or vindicate a person.  Sad part is that it does not always work. Innocent human beings have been executed in the name of justice. Innocent human beings have been incarcerated because of bias, evil and sin. And yes, conversely, guilty are let go because of the same reasons. But at least they get to live... Vindication means to clear of suspicion and blame; to be shown as true. The sup...