4th Sunday - Faith in Christ, take the risk
The Gospel of last week and this week are one story that shows us much of faith and life. Last week Jesus revealed his mission; a mission of salvation, a mission in which humanity grows in faith and grows as humanity. This week, within moments of the revelation, the people reject this message. The people of Jesus reject him. What happened? Many years ago I was on a trip with two friends. We climbed the east face of Mt. Whitney. This was a technical climb; ropes and gear. Halfway through the climb a lateral move was required. This means the move is along a face, not up or down. I hated lateral moves because they are awkward and require moves that place one in danger of falling. This particular move had quite the fall, what seemed 100000’s of feet. I was tied off to the other guys, I was in the middle. I froze. I was so scared. My friends were great and patient, urging me on. I knew logically if I fell it would be okay, as I was on rope. Yet that potential fall so scared me...