13th Sunday - Way of Discipleship
The movie “Parenthood” an old old film from 1989 starred Steve Martin as the uptight, but very worried and concerned father. He struggles with what he thinks a good parent is; and in this struggle creates tension with his family. The cathartic moment comes when utter chaos happens in a school play and everyone around him laughs, but he, initially horrified, finally gets it and engages in the chaos and the humor and laughs. Always committed to family, but he needed the humility and the flexibility to be truly engaged in his family. When we priests get together we swap stories. The even older guys also share the infamous stories of days gone by; especially how certain priests after the Vatican II council and the changes that occurred resisted and hated those changes, and just became grumpy mean guys, even yelling at other priests at mass. They were committed, but lacked humility and flexibility. Their days did not end in joy, but in bitterness. Couples married for years and with jo...