18th Sunday: Discipleship and Sacrifice
What defines a good Costco experience for you? (or insert Sam’s club, et al)? For me, nobody gets hurt. Costco for me is a microcosm of the human condition. It starts in the parking lot. There seems to be that one person who wants the closest parking space and will wait for the one person to empty out their full cart to get it. Meanwhile everyone behind them waits because they can’t get around, and oh, and they insist on backing into the spot. THEN, there are the free snacks, and the people that insist on getting them and eating them and talking about them, all the while blocking access to the aisle, never seeing the people backed up. All I want is my David’s bread, so close yet so far…. The Universe is incomprehensibly HUGE! The new James Webb telescope has shown us Galaxies that are over 13 billion years old. Yet for some people the universe is only the size of them. Nobody else lives in the universe; at least nobody of consequence. A valid critique of the Catholic Chu...