31st Sunday Appearances can be deceiving.

People’s perceptions can be funny. Many years ago, while in Ohio visiting family, I was with my young nephew. We were fishing. I asked him if he would want to come to Nevada and we could fish there. He responded kind of quickly, “No, there is too much sand.” Now, it took me a second, I am like what? He knew that Nevada was a desert, and he had in his mind the Sahara??? Or he was looking for an easy way out to not come visit with me. My ego wants him to have perceived Nevada wrong. Other perceptions about Nevada… early on my family would ask how often I would go to Las Vegas. I am like never. Why? How far away is it…Once they learned the distance, they learned to stop asking. Or it must be hot there all the time… I reminded them summer can be, but snow and cold in the winter. We all have our perceptions, if not prejudices. It is part of how we are conditioned, and how we internally prepare ourselves. The difficult part is those mis-perceptions and prejudices can keep us fr...