Mary, Mother of God: God's revelation of connection

Why was the Son of God born as human? Philosophers, theologians, thinkers looking at our contemporary culture; examining aspects of the violence, the turn towards fringe groups, conspiracies, the rise of pornography, social media et al, addictions, rates of depression, narcissism… find that loneliness/alienation plays an important part, if not a vital cause for so much. Ironic that in a time when we can talk with people on a video who live on the other side of the world, we can feel so disconnected from others. This disconnect not only is people without people, but people will feel there is nothing in the universe; it is simply cold, material, a nihilism. And because we do not feel or experience that intimacy, that connection, we try to find it, or make meaning in groups that we seemingly offer it: gangs, white supremacists, nationalists…and at times others will take advantage of this. Or because we feel like nothing, everyone also is nothing too, and therefore those...