4th Sunday A life in God: Blessed are we
What is a life with God like? I remember asking my therapist “when do I “Graduate” from therapy”? Meaning how do I know when I am done. He, in a very Socratic way, asked me what I think it will be. I pondered it, and said I will be like a stone buddha, impervious to all the mess of life; just kind of fat and happy. He laughed. He laughed at me. And then proceeded to tear down that fantasy and replace it with reality. Best - worst thing to ever happen to me. I think all want an idyllic life, or some semblance of that life. We want the perfect family and spouse; the perfect household, the perfect job, the perfect parish, pastor and parishioners, and bishop. All is well, nothing bad happens. Nothing bad in the wishing. In fact, the story of the Buddha was that as a young boy his father sought to prevent any suffering for his child. He was never allowed to see sick or aging persons, never allowed any kind of grief, sadness, all his wants and needs were taken care of. He was ...