5th Lent: Jesus leads us to life.
Henry Ossawa Tanner, Resurrection of Lazarus , 1896, Public Domain. Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Henry_Ossawa_Tanner,_Resurrection_of_Lazarus.jpg A woman dies unexpectedly of heart issues. She was in her late 60’s to early 70’s; she was always at mass, always positive, always nice. Her husband was non-Catholic, did not attend mass with her and I had never met him before. We finally met a few days after her death; when asked how he was handling all of this, he replied with a cliché…”I know she is in a better place.” So I asked him “Does that make you feel better?” He broke down and said no. Then we really began to talk. A teenager, along with many others, was having fun in the desert. He and several kids were in the bed of a pick up riding in the sand and sage. The driver hits a bump, this teenager falls out of the back and under the truck, killed by it. What a waste. The funeral was full of kids from the High School, so many tea...