4th Easter - Universal Call to Holiness
What is the goal of marriage? Kind of an odd question, but still relevant to married couples, to all people, and to this gospel. The goal of marriage is, well it is the goal to everything. The goal of marriage, to priesthood and religious life, to life for everyone, is holiness. In Church language, we call this the Universal call to Holiness. Every human person has this call, this capacity to be holy. It is the human Vocation to be holy. Now, holiness is not being a super pious, do gooder, necessarily. Holiness means to be and live the person God created us to be. God created us as good, and holiness means expressing that goodness, within the context of our own lives. Let’s do some simple school physics. Think of some kind of wind-up toy. We crank it up and a spring inside gets tighter and tighter. This tightness in the spring is its potential energy. It stays potential as long as the spring is locked. When the spring gets unlocked, or triggered open, tha...