Pentecost: Healing/Wholeness in the Spirit
Decades ago, astronomers viewing galaxies noticed something odd. The galaxies were not spinning at the rate according to the calculations. The stars on the outside were going around the center too fast. They could not figure out why. Through the decades others examined this phenomena, and with other calculations made, determined that there is a other type of matter that is present in our universe. It does not interact with our type of matter, nor light; but it has mass and exerts a gravitational pull; which is why galaxies spin faster than they ought to. This is dark matter. And this dark matter actually is more present than our own time of matter. It has changed the understanding of our universe. Fascinating. There is a philosophy that says consciousness exists at the deepest levels of reality. Consciousness forms or causes the form of matter. It does not necessarily mean a rock is conscious, but that there is something there. Our Universe may be more alive than we realize. ...