12th Sunday - We are the Children of God.

The hero’s journey; a journey written of by countless writers for millennia. This journey was brought to more modern minds through the work of Joseph Campbell, an American Philosopher who profoundly influenced George Lucas, who then gave us Star Wars. The hero’s journey is a discovery of self, of strength, and maybe joy. One of the positive aspects of having a few more years under our belts is that we can have a stronger sense of self, and also what and whom is truly important. I find with older people, some matters can roll off their backs; meh, been there, seen it, done it. Yet, younger people, less wise people, the drama can still get them! Things don’t go their way, or life throws a curve ball and boom there is heck to pay! People must be attacked, emails must be sent, tweets must be fired off, heads must roll… But, also there are still older people who are way over dramatic, angry at a world that does not give to them what they want; and younger people who are calm and peaceful. ...