
Showing posts from June, 2023

12th Sunday - We are the Children of God.

The hero’s journey; a journey written of by countless writers for millennia. This journey was brought to more modern minds through the work of Joseph Campbell, an American Philosopher who profoundly influenced George Lucas, who then gave us Star Wars. The hero’s journey is a discovery of self, of strength, and maybe joy. One of the positive aspects of having a few more years under our belts is that we can have a stronger sense of self, and also what and whom is truly important. I find with older people, some matters can roll off their backs; meh, been there, seen it, done it. Yet, younger people, less wise people, the drama can still get them! Things don’t go their way, or life throws a curve ball and boom there is heck to pay! People must be attacked, emails must be sent, tweets must be fired off, heads must roll… But, also there are still older people who are way over dramatic, angry at a world that does not give to them what they want; and younger people who are calm and peaceful. ...

11th Sunday - We are the Body of Christ

In American Folklore, if we can call it that, the story of the tragedy of Kitty Genovese can hit hard. Kitty was young woman, who in 1964 was raped and murdered. She cried out for help, and people heard the cries, yet the story goes, nobody answered her pleas. She died in the street alone. The truth remains different. Jesus witnesses a crime. He sees people “troubled and abandoned” or a better translation is “harassed and helpless”. Our Gospel says he was moved with pity for them, but this fails to convey the fullness of what Jesus experienced. The original words said he felt this in his gut. He had a visceral, a strong experience, for these people. A people who have been maltreated, ignored, not shown the dignity they merit. It moves him to action. Kitty was attacked, she did cry out. People did hear and people did respond. A man, her friend got another friend up and she went down and cradled Kitty in her arms. Other’s called the police to get help. Jesus sees people who tr...

Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ - Call to Action

Years ago I was talking with an older priest and we were discussing a teen who had not been the nicest of persons. We were talking about the situation and what could be done; and this senior priest said that it was too late, this kid was already set and it could not be undone. I thought to myself, but isn’t that against what Jesus taught and did? I love good stories of conversion. There are great ones on Instagram and TikTok; people changing the trajectory of their lives. Some of the strongest, wisest, holiest persons I have met and know are those who have moved from addiction to sobriety, from heart broken to heart open, from abused to advocate. The reality of conversion, redemption, repentance exists. We disciples of Jesus Christ, we Catholics live it. Or we are supposed to. Last week in our Gospel, we heard those amazing words from John 3:16: God so loved the World that God gave to the world the beloved Son to save the world.  Jesus Christ is the incarnation, the flesh an...

Holy Trinity: JN 3:16

Disciples of Jesus Christ, those of us who claim him as our Lord and Savior, accept the revelation of God that he gives. Jesus reveals God through his teachings, through his miracles, through all his deeds, most especially his Paschal Mystery, the suffering, death and Resurrection. Do we truly grasp whom he has revealed? Jesus reveals to us God, a personal being; A Father, not cold nor distant; not vengeful. God, Father, who sees the goodness in all of creation, in us; God who wills, wishes, desires that goodness be lived, because to live out our goodness is to live eternally; as the Father lives out his own Goodness and lives eternally. It was not as if the people of Israel did not know this. They did. Jesus reveals it to its fullness, the incredible extent of this goodness. God the Father, gives of Godself, and gives of self first; for us. We have this wonderfully familiar, but also revolutionary Gospel passage from John. Jesus teaches Nicodemus, a Jewish teacher about himself...