17th Sunday Homily - Our faith, dig into it!
We have been reading and hearing parables in our Gospels for the past several weeks. These are great teaching tools of Jesus for us. I think our tendency, and a good one, is to interpret the parable itself: what is the teaching about the kingdom of God. For example this week’s short but intense parables there are four take aways (not my own, but I am using a source) First, the Value of the Kingdom is not apparent to the untrained eye. Second, the Kingdom requires searching out. Third, acquiring the Kingdom requires certain audacity Fourth, present sacrifices express hope in a future joy. These are great take aways, but there is one question that remains, and I think this is maybe the more important question. Why? Why does Jesus teach in parables, and why does Jesus teach these particular parables? Jesus says in John’s Gospel the he came so that we may have lIfe, and have life completely. Jesus’ salvation is the freedom to choose to love and ...