Faith Forum July 15

Each week the RGJ publishes a question and response from the various religions in the area.  The Catholic Response is facilitated by myself, and is written by Fr. Chuck Durante, Monique Jacobs, Lauri Anne Reinhart and myself on alternating weeks.  These response can be no more than 150 words.  Here is the question and response for this weekend written by me.

Did we exist before this life? (NOTE: Question here means—Did we exist before our conception in our respective mothers' womb?)

Soul, Space and Time

God created us uniquely, in this particular moment of time and space.  There is no pre-existence; no reincarnation from a previous life.  We are unique.  

Therefore each life is sacred and dignified.  We are called therefore to treat each life as sacred and treat each life with dignity, from the moment of a person’s conception to the moment a person dies a natural death.

It also means we have this one opportunity to live live to the full; in Christian terms, this means to love and be in good relationships.  We do not get another chance.  Thus, we must make the most of our lives by giving of ourselves to others, building those bridges, and lifting each other up.  We share our blessings, our compassion, our shoulders.

We must be truly human, in all its glory, wonder and beauty.  

Because we are unique and loved by our Creator God.


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