13th Sunday: God created us to be Alive!
“God did not make death…For God formed [humankind] to be imperishable; the image of [God’s] own nature…” We are created for Life in God’s own image. Salvation then must be about truly having life. Are we living out Jesus’ salvation? Are we truly, fully alive? I read an interesting observation several years ago. That since 9-11, the number of zombie movies and tv shows has grown exponentially. Prior to 9-11 there were not so many: Dawn of the Dead being the classic. Now there is “The Walking Dead” and its spin off on Tv. There are the Resident Evil Movies (personally my favorite), and there is World War Z. The books, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Many other examples. The theory is that this fear of terrorism entered into our zeitgeist, our psyche as americans. We know zombies are those dead who walk and try consume those who live. One bite spreads the disease and makes more zombies who want to consume ...