Corpus Christi Homily

Incorporation, in our modern parlance, has a legal, business connotation.  We incorporate business and communities. Heck we even incorporate parishes!

Yet, the Latin root of this means “To take into the body”, or to become part of the family.

We know that Salvation means to have life and to have life in the full.  Jesus tells us this in John 10:10.

To be Saved in Christ, means to be incorporated, “to be taken into the body”, to be part of the family.

To have life in the full, we need others.

Jesus Christ revealed to us what living the life in the full is:  it is to be engaged with others. It is to love others; meaning to see their goodness.
It is to live with mercy, compassion, generosity, healing, forgiveness.

True life is always, always lived outward toward and for others.

This is God’s nature!

The Trinity is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, giving of their very selves to each other, and each other accepting the other selves.

The Trinity is a community, a Family of ongoing dynamic love.

God’s will is that we be incorporated into this divine family
We are created to accept this dynamic, ongoing love.
We are created to be with God.

God desires us.

I think we need to really contemplate on just how much the Father, Son and Holy Spirit desires us!

Imagine the three coming to you, grabbing your hand and dancing with you.
Imagine the three taking you out in the Universe and showing you the beauty of the stars, the galaxies...sharing their Joy at this beauty.

Imagine the three taking you up into the Sierra and showing you the fields of Lupine blooming brilliantly now, sharing their joy of the purple-ness!

Imagine the the three taking you down to the river, showing you the homeless person, and wanting you to reach out to them to incorporate them into the dance as well!

or to an immigration center, where moms and dads and children are being separated in the name of "justice"

Do we understand that desire is part of us?

If part of God, then part of God’s creatures created in the image of God.
We desire God and we desire each other.
Consciously or Unconsciously we desire others, we know we need other people to be fully alive, to be fully ourselves.

Salvation means to have full life, we need others.

Salvation means that we incorporate others.

The eucharist is the sacrament of incorporation;  Jesus gave the disciples, and us, his body and blood, to be incorporated into the family of God, and we are called to go, and do the same to others.

We go and show this incorporation, we go and give flesh and blood to God’s desire in our works of “Corporal” mercy.
We live life fully in forgiving each other and asking forgiveness.

We live life fully in those acts of generosity for those who lack.

We live life fully in giving respect to all people, respecting their God given dignity, no matter if unborn or at the end of life, no matter their gender or status, no matter where they came from and how they came to be here.

We live out the Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Christ, in our compassion towards those in our workplaces, in our schools, in the streets.

If any of us are experiencing dryness in our lives, a boredom, a frustration…, if our faith lives seem boring, if we are not excited by life, then change it up!

Get out and live, by engaging others.

There are so many opportunities for this!

There are so many people who are hurting, who feel isolated, who feel rejected from community, from church, from family, from God.

Way too many of our young persons drift, and hurt themselves.

Way too many are lost in the drugs, in the “wild west life”, in pornography, in the pursuit of material things.

This innate desire misused, badly directed.

Our mission as Catholics, as a family, is to grow that family, to welcome others.

To incorporate them into the family of God.


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