13th Sunday Homily Freedom!
The word “Freedom” like “love” gets used a lot, and I think abused a lot, especially in our English and American culture. St. Paul contemplates it and writes of it; Freedom in its truest sense. Freedom, that ability to be the good persons that we are created by God to be. Freedom, the ability to do choose to do good. Freedom, in our Christian viewpoint, is NOT about civil liberty; nor about the ability to do things that “I” want do, whether it has to do with our body, our guns, our things. This is how we as Christians, as Catholics, make the distinction. Freedom has more depth it is part of our core being. Civil liberties come and go; they are passing inventions of humankind. They are controlled by laws, politics, et al. Freedom...well the only thing that inhibit it is within our own selves. Paul talks of Flesh and Spirit. Flesh, is really another way of saying, egocentric behavior. It is about being concerned with the me, myself and I. It is a reac...