Ascension of the Lord - Entrusted to the work of God!

How many of us have known or currently know “micromanagers”?

If you are reading this, or listening to this, you do. I am one, or I like to think I am at least a “reformed micromanager”

Micromanagers, those people who desire to control all aspects of other’s work and lives. They are overly concerned with the details and how things are done, the process. They want things done, and they want them done in their way.

I think for some of us this attitude comes from fear and mistrust. I think some micromanagers are fearful of being judged unworthy, failures, slackers, etc, and so to allay their fears, to prevent the judgment of others they seek to control as many variables as possible. They control out of fear. They (we) lack the trust that others will make us appear good and successful

Not fun.

People who analyze businesses and people say really the best managers are those who trust their staff, who do give clear direction and goals, and they let their staff do what they are trained to do.
There is creativity in this. It creates a better work environment.

Of course, this is not just about work/business.
Parents can be micromanagers of their kids, the aspect of helicopter parents. Pastors of their parishes, been there, seen it, done it.

We have a goal, we have a mission as human persons, as Catholics as Christians

God created us to work for and with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit to ensure all of creation resonates with God’s very being.
We were created to build and sustain the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. This we find in Genesis.
A world in which all persons are treated with their inherent dignity
A world that is cared for, for the benefit of all, not just the profit of some.

Jesus makes it clear.
We are the children of God, part of the family.
We are not slaves nor employees of this work, but this is a family enterprise.
This work is not something added onto our humanity, it is part of our nature.

Jesus, sent by the Father, shows us the plan. He reveals the goal and the pathway to this goal.
A way of love; that incorporates mercy, generosity, compassion, humility.
A way in which we see goodness within the world and within all human persons.

And here is what amazes me sometimes, the Father trusts us for this work!
Even though we screwed it up by crucifying The Son, that in the resurrection the Father says: “Okay, you messed up, but I forgive you, let’s move forward! I trust you to do what is correct.”

Today as we celebrate the Ascension of Jesus into Heaven, this trust is renewed.
This HOPE of God in us to help make this world a better place is renewed.
Could Jesus have remained on earth to directly dictate this process of transforming this world? Could Jesus remained on the earth to micromanage us?


Jesus Christ is one with the Father, and the Father trusts us, so Jesus trusts us too. So in a sense, he returns to HQ in heaven to guide us, support us and encourage us, but not micromanage us.

He is not here to tell us which clothes we need to wear (although I am thinking that he does not want people wearing shorts and tee shirts to mass :) )

He is not here dictating every little things with memos, missives and the like.

We have the plan and we have our directions: see the goodness in all and act on that goodness!
Now we are not alone in this world. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are leaving us without further guidance. They are not absentee CEO’s.

Clearly in prayer, scripture, liturgy we have a direct line to HQ. We receive direction in how to live as Jesus. We receive those recommendations, those evaluations that say..”Hummm you need to work on your compassion...need to develop that mercy...that humility is not really present”

We also have the Holy Spirit, sort of the HR department to help us work better and together in this goal. To inspire us to think creatively in this work, so that the goal is accomplished.

This is why we have some much diversity in our Catholic and Christian Church.

Look at the variety of Rites within the Catholic Church, there are the Latin Rites, the many many Rites of the Byzantines.
Look at the variety of Religious Communities. Look at the variety of ministries within dioceses and 
Youth ministry through which we help our young persons grown in the awareness of their own inherent dignity and in the dignity of others.

Outreach to the poor and needy, to help those who struggle know they are loved, and that we all need to work for a better, more just society.

We further our goal, our mission, through those acts that protect our planet, our environment, so that people are not sickened by the pollution, so that all people can be fed and nourished.

It is also the work of parents who help build up the good character of their children. Who help them to be those generous, compassionate people; who help their young ones learn from failure, and not always seek to avoid it.

It is the work of those who earnestly seek to forgive others, and accept forgiveness in their own lives.
Those who work to end all the -isms of this world, sexism, racism, nationalism…
Those who work to grow in their own faith through prayer, through meditation and contemplation.

Our is also what we do here in this liturgy each week. The word liturgy itself comes from old Greek meaning “work of the people”.

We come here to give thanks to the work entrusted to us by the Father,
To be renewed as his children through Jesus Christ.
To be empowered more in the Holy Spirit.

Here is the kicker works both ways.
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit trust us to work to make this a better world.
What is our level of Trust in the Trinity’s way?


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