
Showing posts from September, 2019

26th Sunday Homily - A relationship to be nurtutred

                                                        When relationships are new there are lots of questions. We have a curiosity about the other person. So our questions fill up first dates; what kind of food do you like? What kind of music? Where did you come from? Dark chocolate or all other inferior kinds? I had a lot of questions thrown at me when I became pastor. And if you hang around me, I can be quite the interrogator myself, asking lots of questions because I am curious about people and their journeys. Also, these questions and answers, our histories, help us to find connections: maybe we have common roots, and if Reno, we probably know others people, probably someone else’s relatives. When we connect, then the relationship really blossoms. There was a heresy called Marcionism. This belief from the second century was a rejection of...

25th Sunday Using our Resources wisely (Salvation)

If we want to know what is important to a person or organization, look at the budgets. We all have various resources, and where we place them tells us what really matters for us. We reflect our Maturity and Wisdom in how we use our resources; how we spend our energies. This is not just about money. This also includes our emotional energies. Think on how, or to what and or to whom we give our anger, our fears, our sadness and grief; then reflect on what really makes us joyful. Granted, some aspects, especially material resources, are beyond our control. We need to devote our resources to rents and mortgages, to food and power...we need to live and be comfortable. There is nothing wrong with wanting a warm house and a full belly.  And at times we have a right to be angry, sad or scared, this is natural. Yet emotionally, spiritually, materially, how much do we give to really what in the end does not matter or does not create joy.  It serves only our egos. I...

24th Sunday - God desires Safety

One of those simplest of pleasures...after a long trip, sleeping in one’s own bed. With our own pillows and sheets….ahhhhhhhh It’s Coming home...coming back to where we feel safe. Not always a specific place, for at times safety is only found in our hearts and in our minds. I think Safety is a basic human drive. We want to feel safe and create a safe place. It is what helps us to build homes. And for some, it is why we also move. And for others, forced to move… to feel safe, and truly be safe. Safety means we do not feel a threat to ourselves and to what we honor. Whether it be our family or our integrity. This is more than being comfortable but this is much deeper. I have been comfortable sitting on the edge of a cliff, but I did not feel safe! When we experience safety then we have freedom to do what is truly good. Safety allows us to use the energy we have to do what is good and just, and NOT have to defend ourselves, or prove ourselves. This drive or need for safety forms ...

23rd Sunday - Planning for our Mission

During the Engaged Encounter weekends one of the themes is family traditions. The couples reflect upon what family traditions they have and what are they bringing to the marriage. The goal, reflect now, so that future conflicts can be avoided. Growing up, our family almost always ate dinner around 5:30pm. To this very day, that is my preferred time to eat. So when I need to eat later (like tonight)...I can get just a bit stressed. Of course, that is a benign tradition. Some traditions and customs, maybe need some more reflection. A favorite penance I like to give...btw, penance is not about punishment for sins, it is a tool to either make amends or move forward...anyway, a penance I like to give, especially to young persons...I tell them to reflect on what kind of person they want to be as they become adults. Not what occupation..but the quality of the person they want to be. Do they wish to be trustworthy, well liked, at peace, respected… Then I tell them that to...