25th Sunday Using our Resources wisely (Salvation)

If we want to know what is important to a person or organization, look at the budgets.

We all have various resources, and where we place them tells us what really matters for us.
We reflect our Maturity and Wisdom in how we use our resources; how we spend our energies.
This is not just about money. This also includes our emotional energies. Think on how, or to what and or to whom we give our anger, our fears, our sadness and grief; then reflect on what really makes us joyful.

Granted, some aspects, especially material resources, are beyond our control. We need to devote our resources to rents and mortgages, to food and power...we need to live and be comfortable. There is nothing wrong with wanting a warm house and a full belly.  And at times we have a right to be angry, sad or scared, this is natural.

Yet emotionally, spiritually, materially, how much do we give to really what in the end does not matter or does not create joy. 

It serves only our egos.
It does not serve to make this world a better place...does not serve to help ease the pain and suffering of others, or within our own lives

Jesus’ wisdom: look at how we spend our energies.
Salvation, the freedom to do what is good, the wisdom to spend our energies for what is good.
Salvation is freedom.

What good does staying angry actually do?  What good does remain fearful actually do for us? What does being wrapped in our own egos do for others?  What does being so focussed on stuff, do for us that is good?

It is exhausting! Staying angry, staying scared, staying sa, staying materialistic.

This past week, some of the priests gathered for a day of Recollection with Tricia Hoyt. She gave us this statement: “Resentment is like drinking a poison, and expecting the other person to die.”

Then there is a critique, and old one at that, but has come back on well intentioned people. Prayer. “I will pray for you, or this or that.”
People caught up in disasters, we pray for them, but what else?  Violence in our world against other children of God...we pray, but what else?  People hurting here...we will pray for them, but what else.  Or we are angry, so we pray to God to get rid of the anger...

Do we need to pray, YES!  bPrayer thought is NOT about telling God what to do, and then expecting God to do it, and nothing changes in our lives.  Prayer opens us up to be changed by God.

We are created by God to be God’s agents here on earth.  We are created by God in God’s own image to work for God to build the kingdom here on earth.  We have been given the material, spiritual and emotional resources to do what is good.  We pray, so receive God’s wisdom, the best resource in all of the Universe, and then GO and act upon it.

To make a positive change for others.

We pray to see past our anger, see past anything that impedes us from fulfilling God’s will, and be free to do God’s will.  We pray and then we actually forgive others. Anger dissipates.
We pray and then we love; love conquers all fear.
We pray to God and we find hope and trust, sadness gives way.

And we find ourselves with the energy to love and to be loved.
We find our resources for living fully.

The scene of Jesus in the Garden the night of his arrest. He was scared of what was going to happen. He did not think he had had the resources within to continue.  What did he do...he prayed, he opened himself to the Father’s love, he renewed himself in faith, and gave of himself in love for us.

This is what we eat and drink in communion.
This is our freedom too.
This is the most precious resource we have.
And what do we spend it on?


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