13th Sunday Homily - Giving of ourselves
When school starts up again in August one of the actions all of us need to remember to do is slow down. In school zones the speed limit is 15 mph. Why? Clearly for the safety of children in and around our schools. People are required to slow down, to make a sacrifice, so that others can be safe. This is what we call the common good. It has always been a part of society: individuals collectively give of themselves for the good of the others. What happens when individuals choose not to do this? When people place more energy into themselves and what they think they want to do? I seem to remember last summer and fall quite a few children were hit by people in their cars who ignored the limit; some children were killed. Videos can be seen of people driving on sidewalks to get around school buses because they did not want to wait; placing children in harm's way, all for the sake of the driver’s desire. How does that really create good? Makes me wonder what else we c...