
Showing posts from June, 2020

13th Sunday Homily - Giving of ourselves

When school starts up again in August one of the actions all of us need to remember to do is slow down. In school zones the speed limit is 15 mph. Why? Clearly for the safety of children in and around our schools. People are required to slow down, to make a sacrifice, so that others can be safe. This is what we call the common good. It has always been a part of society: individuals collectively give of themselves for the good of the others. What happens when individuals choose not to do this? When people place more energy into themselves and what they think they want to do? I seem to remember last summer and fall quite a few children were hit by people in their cars who ignored the limit; some children were killed. Videos can be seen of people driving on sidewalks to get around school buses because they did not want to wait; placing children in harm's way, all for the sake of the driver’s desire.  How does that really create good?   Makes me wonder what else we c...

12th Sunday Homily - Love of God

What will we learn about God, and therefore ourselves, in these most interesting of times? Those who have thrived, it will all come down to the faith, the trust that God loves all, no matter what.  God loves each person, uniquely and distinctly, no matter what. All that hairs on our heads, all the tears in our eyes, all the smiles on our lips. God’s desire for each person is that we live this each day. We grow, we evolve and we become all that God sees within us. God’s children.  God created each of us for goodness, for love; to be within God’s family. All that the Father does, creating the world is about this.  All that the Son does, being born, living as a human person, suffering and dying as a human person and being raised as a human person is about this.  All that the Spirit does, empowering us to be God’s children is about this. Our part, trust and remain focussed on God’s love. Yes, we will forget at times. We will lose focus, get distracted. Yet, the Holy...

Homily - Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - Participate in Life

What brings us to life? Aren’t there sports that we just wonder how anyone could follow? I had a roommate who loved car racing, NASCAR and Formula 1. I tried to watch with him on many occasions, and he tried to explain the “subtlety” of it all, the nuances...I couldn’t get it. I gave up, bored beyond belief. But then again, he would get bored watching golf or tennis, and I am into it. Last year the Pope hosted a synod on the Amazon. Realizing that many native cultures were being threatened due to destruction of the forest and to cultural intrusions he wanted people to develop solutions. A minor aspect of the synod was the realization that Catholics were dramatically under-served, in regards to the celebration of the Eucharist. However, Lay persons were very active in the faith through the Scripture and Actions. For the last 90 + days, most Catholics in the Diocese of Reno have not had access to the full celebration of the Eucharist; although many participated through Social Medi...

Homily - Holy Trinity Sunday - Be As God

A few years ago I was chatting with my then 9 or 10 year old nephew who lives in Ohio. He is a great person; he has a huge heart. Plus he loves to fish. I asked him if he ever wanted to come to Nevada to visit me. He said no. He does not like all that sand. Forgive me for repeating, but 30 years ago when I made the move to Nevada, and after becoming an unemployed geologist, I went to a local Parish, a large one for Sunday mass. I sat by myself, nobody said hi. No person greeted me. The next weekend I headed down to Our Lady of Wisdom. I was greeted, welcomed, talked to and invited to come and be a part of that community. It changed my life. Who are we as disciples ofJesus, as Christians, as Catholics, as parish? How are we?  What are our perceptions of what it means to live as Catholic, Christian? Maybe our minds need updated, after all Nevada is not the Sahara desert. The Most Holy Trinity is a community. God is relational. God created humanity to be in...