12th Sunday Homily - Love of God

What will we learn about God, and therefore ourselves, in these most interesting of times?

Those who have thrived, it will all come down to the faith, the trust that God loves all, no matter what.  God loves each person, uniquely and distinctly, no matter what. All that hairs on our heads, all the tears in our eyes, all the smiles on our lips.

God’s desire for each person is that we live this each day. We grow, we evolve and we become all that God sees within us. God’s children.  God created each of us for goodness, for love; to be within God’s family.

All that the Father does, creating the world is about this.  All that the Son does, being born, living as a human person, suffering and dying as a human person and being raised as a human person is about this.  All that the Spirit does, empowering us to be God’s children is about this.

Our part, trust and remain focussed on God’s love.

Yes, we will forget at times. We will lose focus, get distracted. Yet, the Holy Spirit will call us back. The saints will walk with us, reminding us of who we are.  

And we have the Son, who comes in a special way, through our Eucharist, who makes love touchable, tastetable.   We eat, and hopefully one day, drink of God’s love made visible; to make part of our own bodies and souls, to that we are Love too.  This weekend we start our first communions. We need this joy in our church and in our community. We need them and us; to go and live love. 

To a world that seems dark with sickness, dark with violence, dark with the sin of racism, we are called to be love.


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