17th Sunday Homily - The Kingdom of Heaven in the here and now.
Recently a friend has begun fly fishing. He got hooked, figuratively, and then got all the gear. Putting in the energy and time, and enthusiasm. It has been quite fun to watch. I showed my nephew in laws a couple of years ago how to fly fish, and they all had new poles and gear by the following Christmas. Anyone have similar experiences? Been drawn into something, some activity and went full bore. Got all the equipment and read up on it. Think too of tv shows How many got into Tiger King? Game of Thrones? Sports fans go crazy for the Giants, the Sox, Red, not white; Yankees. The live it, breathe it. Passion is great! That drive, that energy, that excitement...for a time. Parables bring us to wisdom in a roundabout way. We are taught sideways. Jesus is a genius with these. He tries to break open our minds and our hearts to understand the Kingdom so as to experience the Kingdom. He wants us to get hooked, to find the passion for the kingdom. I would be willing to ...