
Showing posts from November, 2016

MGC Nov 30...Following Jesus


MGC Nov 29 Joy comes through Trust


1st Monday of Advent--Unity


Obstacle to joy

my biggest obstacle to joy in my my ego. Joy is to see the larger picture! The ego only wants to see me; it only sees the "injustices" the unfairness, the evil that is done against me.  I am reduced to only me. Thus, I live in anger, fear and sadness.  Every action becomes a slight, I become the eternal victim. Joy comes when I realize it's not about me. People's actions are generally not directed towards me.   The world does not revolve around me. I am a child of God, loved by God.

1st Sunday of Advent--Be Prepared!

The more I experience our Catholic faith, the more apparent that there is a Deep Wisdom to our world, to our universe, to us. God is alive! God is alive in such a way that God brings such meaning to this world. The Good News is that God desires that we share fully in this deep wisdom.  God wants us to be Truly Alive Joy is the sign that we have touched upon this wisdom:  we as persons and we as a community. Joy is the visible sign of our aliveness, of wisdom. The Son of God became human, to bring us this Good news and to bring us this Deep Wisdom, so that we will choose to embrace life in the full! Life in the full is about love for others and letting ourselves be loved. It is about giving of ourselves for the good of others, as God did, as Christ did. Think about it, this is God’s very nature, Jesus is the visible sign of this.   God so loved the world, he gave the beloved Son The Son of God gave of himself and became human…  ...

MGC Nov 22 Change is gonna happen; God is there.


Morning Gospel & Coffee Nov 21 2016


Christ the King 2016

My Spiritual Director shared with me during a very difficult time, profound words of wisdom.   Words that kept me sane, and to this day I use all the time. “Don’t Panic.” Our Gospel passage on this feast of Christ the King shares that same wisdom. We can be ruled by a situation, or we can be free in a situation:  all depends on our reaction. Think of the scene, and the groups involved.  Our King, Jesus Christ, is nailed to a cross. Clearly there are the scorners, the people yelling and insulting Jesus; making fun of him and his seeming failure. These are the people who think they have power; they think they have control over the situation. There is the one thief who does not understand Jesus; who seeks his own “power” in thinking Jesus will get him off the cross. There is the one person who gets it, the other thief.   He knows why he is there.  He knows why the other is there, and he also knows why Jesus is not supposed to b...


When we go deeper into our faith, as we contemplate the mystery of Jesus Christ, our perception of our lives and the world will be changed...we will be shaken. It will be apocalyptic.  Truly. The apocalypse is NOT the end of the world, literally; rather it is the 90 degree change in the way we live. It can be unsettling, disconcerting to realize what we thought we knew, actually wasn't the truth or the whole truth. Yet, the wisdom that will come can open our eyes and hearts to the freedom that Jesus Christ offers. Go for it!!!

MGC Nov 10 Go deeper into the faith to understand


MGC Nov 9th Church = People; People = Church


MGC Nov 8. Who is really in control?? God or me?


MGC Nov 7 Don't Panic! with Sin...


Some fears...

I do not think I am alone in this, but I have fear for Wednesday and what could happen with the election, irregardless who wins or not. I was reflecting upon that, and Jesus before Pilate and Herod came to mind.  These men thought that they had power over Jesus; clearly they did not. Because they misunderstood "power". "Power" comes from God and God alone, and power is all about the will, the desire to give of oneself for the good of others.  Power = Love. No political entity could take that away from Jesus. No political entity can take that away from any of us.  We may give it away, but Love cannot never be taken from us.  It comes from God. So whether it is Trump or Clinton, it really doesn't matter.  They have no true power over me. I will try my best with Jesus at my side, to remain hopeful.  I will strive for Love, and persevere in Love.

32nd Sunday-Open to new ideas

In the latter part of the 1800’s, physicists were thinking they had everything about solved and they were done.  They could explain everything and why everything.  There would be nothing new to learn. Yet, a few physicists and other scientists began to imagine and think differently.  They thought: "what if..." These persons, men and women, broke open the scientific world, and from it we are still trying to understand the material makeup of our world and universe. All because people had open minds and imaginations. Jesus Christ, if he is personally part of our lives, does the same for us.   He opens our imaginations to a living God; a God who desires that we be alive too. The Sadducees, scripture tells us, did not believe in the resurrection.   Now understand that the concept of Resurrection came late to the Jewish people.  They really did not have a concept of an afterlife until a couple of hundreds of years before Jesus. ...

MGC Nov 3. Go and find the lost ones, and find Joy. Its only human


MGC Nov 2 In Jesus, we are never truly separated.


MGC Nov 1 Saints wrestled with God and lost, and found life
