Easter Sunday Homily...Our Faith in God is that God has faith in us

We are here because we believe in God, in Jesus Christ as the beloved Son, and that Jesus was raised from the dead.
We are here because we believe in the resurrection.
We have faith.

The Resurrection is core to who we are as Christians, as Catholics.
We believe in this incredible mystery.

Not only because of some promise of a personal resurrection,
But the more we enter into this core mystery of our faith it can really change and transform us, and if us, then also the world.

See, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ reveals to us the nature of God.
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ reveals that God's nature is to has faith in us.

God hopes in each one of us and our capacity for doing truly what is good, just and right.
God truly believes in our humanity.

The Father gave us his beloved Son; who lived among us, spoke and acted out of the Father’s incredible love.

Humanity refused Jesus.  Humanity killed, executed the Son of God.
We remembered this on Thursday and Good Friday.

The Father’s response to this sin, to this hate...
God did not give up on us.

God raised Jesus and gave Jesus back to us.
To reveal God’s love,
To reveal God that believes in our capacity to grow.

This is not touchy feely stuff. This is serious business people.
This is what brings us true freedom.

Evil is to only think we only capable of very little:  this is why we falter, kill; This is why our relationships die; why suffering seems so prevalent.
We think too little of ourselves and of each other.

Freedom and Life is about seeing ourselves and others as God sees us.
It is believing all are capable of such goodness.
Coming to true life and freedom is then acting on this goodness.

It is to know that we are capable of forgiving others and being forgiven.
Therefore relationships can be healed.

It is to know that we are able to endure and thrive with the unforseen, the unpredicted, the uncomfortable; therefore its okay, we don’t have to 
micromanage everyone and everything.  It also means we don’t have to panic!

Do we know that we are capable of living comfortably and we can actually be generous and help others who are struggle to eat, drink or stay warm on a daily basis?

We are able to change and make heal this world.

This is the healing behind those who struggle with addictions.

As one who has struggled in depression, this was the great insight for me, to get out of that rabbit hole of negative thoughts.

Our mission as Catholics is to spread this Good News.
Our mission is as those believers in Jesus Christ and the Resurrection is to share God faith in others.

We need to make real Jesus’ faith in humanity, to show all others what we are all capable of.

We need to show them the true value of Life, in the here and now.

Life is about living for and with others; true life is living out our potential as human beings.
This is God’s will for us.

We celebrate this each and every Eucharist.
We celebrate life God very loving nature, which inspires us to live out that Goodness within us.

We are people of the resurrection because of God’s faith in us.


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