4th Advent: Created for Joy

Happiness comes from doing good
Joy comes from being good.

We see on TV stories of people doing good things around the Christmas season.  There are the drives that collect food and toys for those who struggle in this time.
We do one here in the parish, the angel tree.
People will pay off the layaways of people.
Expensive coins show up in the Salvation Army buckets.

All really good things that people do to share and make others lives better during this time of the year.

It creates happiness, both in the recipient and the giver.

This also applies to gift giving in general.
I am more than happy to receive the cookies, the candy, the wine...although my trainer may not be so happy.

There is a happiness in giving those same gifts too.

It truly is a great time!  It can be a happy time of the year!

We are not created for just happiness.  Happiness fades, it comes and go.
We are created for Joy.

Joy is deeper than happiness.

Joy comes from knowing there is something greater happening, that will make positive lasting changes.

Joy comes from participating in that greater happening, in the great mission, the great Plan.

Weddings are happy days!
Two persons, deeply in love, beautiful in the dress and tuxedo.
We celebrate with them, we are happy for the beautiful ceremony, the outstanding and deeply moving homily, the dance and cake.

But, happy days will fade.

Bills will need to be paid, kids will come along a be little tyrants, toilet seats left up, feelings will get hurt.  Liking each other will not be easy.

Yet, Love endures.

Joy knows that despite it all, the partner is there to support and encourage.
Joy knows that even in the worst day possible, it will get better.

Mary and Elizabeth are filled with happiness and JOY!.
Happiness because these two cousins are miracles.
Happiness because Mary has come to aid her elderly cousin.

Their happiness will fade, as both will face tests and trials.

The Joy remained.

Joy, because both recognize that God is present, and they are part of the larger picture of transforming this world.

This story, which goes on, is their exchanging the Good News.  How God has involved them into God’s plan to make this world and all within free.  God’s plan is that Heaven and earth be one.

Joy comes through both seeing beyond themselves, to something that is important, that will move the world to begin to think and act differently.

Joy comes, even in the midst of the fear and doubts, that something Good is taking place.

Christmas has happiness, but Christmas is about Joy.

Christmas reminds us, signifies to us, that God wills, God desires, a better world, in which people are free to be the Good and Holy People that we are.

The birth of Jesus reveals the Joy of humanity, the joy of working with God to make this world a reflection of Heaven.
See our mission is not to get to heaven, but our mission is to work for God to make Heaven here on earth.

A world in which people do not need to go hungry, do not need to live on the streets; a world in which children are fed, educated and given every opportunity to succeed.
A community where elderly are cared for with the dignity and respect they need.  A community where all life, from womb to tomb, is given the dignity and respect that comes from merely being human.

A place where all are welcomed and accepted, no matter where they came from, no matter their history.

Joy comes from our giving of ourselves so that others can truly be freed to live.
Signified in our Eucharist, as Christ did for us.

Celebrate Happiness these next weeks and all of our lives.
Cherish those moments of happiness.

Yet, do not settle for happiness.

We are created for more; we are created for Joy.


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