Sunday Homily - a Holy Family

Idolatry, it means to make something an absolute, when it is not. Over the years I have heard stories from people and from other sources about families broken up. Broken up because one person follows a certain political figure, and another does not. Broken up because one person believes in one way, and others do not. Broken up because a child will come out as gay. Broken up because someone wants to marry someone different. Broken up because of addictions. Broken up for a whole myriad of reasons; some serious, others not. Broken up, because people idolize their individual view of how a family is to be. People Idolize egos. King Herod killed his siblings, his children, his wife; all because of power. What a family! I so love St. Joseph more and more. Here is a man who adapts. Here is a person who flexes. Here is a person who sees beyond himself to the needs of his family and love. He allows God to change his u...