4th Advent - Hopes and Dreams!

To be Human is to dream and have dreams.   
God created us. God too has dreams for all of creation, therefore, we created in God’s own image, we   dream.  
We dream. We plan. We imagine. We hope.

We dream of our loves in life. We hope for the perfect job.  We make plans for our vacations.  We hope for our children and their future.  We desire a wonderful life.

What happens when our plans, our dreams, our hopes go awry?  What happens when we become disappointed or devastated.

One young married couple hoped for a baby. So they tried. It happened. They were soooo excited and they rushed to tell everyone. Everyone rejoiced with them.   Then they miscarried and they were equally devastated. It got worse. They found out they could not conceive in the future.  The husband and wife made the decision to adopt. They went through all the hoops, all the forms, all the evaluations, spent a lot of money to get into the process. They were connected with a pregnant young girl who did not want to keep her baby. So they spent months with her waiting until she gave birth. Then the big day happened, so exciting...and the birth mother changed her mind. Devastation again.  Later, they shared their story with others and this being Reno, people knew people who knew people who were related to other people...and they were connected to another woman who was pregnant and did not want to keep her child. The child was born, they brought her home, and then one year later, legally, their family of two became a family of three.

Disappointment and devastation are inevitable in life. Our plans, our dreams mostly never go as we wish. From the biggest hopes and dreams like children, to the smallest of plans; coffee with friends, movies...

How will we react? How will we choose to act?  Too many of us react; with anger, with passive aggressiveness, with active aggressiveness. We gossip. We harbor grudges. We ignore others.  

.Joseph dreamed too. Not only of angels, but of a wife and children, of family. He must have dreamed of a life of joy.  He too must have been disappointed when seemingly all the plans were gone. His response is to do what what he thinks he is supposed to do.

And God says wait. God says Trust. God says Love.  

God’s love made real is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the divine wisdom made incarnate so that we can share and live in that wisdom too. So that we too can fully experience life, even amid devastation, even amid disappointment. So that we can rise above it. We can act so that life is created.

Jesus teaches us that there is always a reality greater than any one of us, greater than anything we can even imagine. A reality called the Kingdom of Heaven. 

Jesus invites us to open ourselves to the possibility of this reality, so that the probability of it 
becoming real grows through our choices and actions.

It is Resurrection which we remember and we celebrate in the Eucharist.  It is also what we celebrate at Christmas. We celebrate new hope. We celebrate new life, new opportunities, new possibilities, new probabilities.

See, we are created for and call to plan, to hope, to dream. We are not called to be passive in life, but to help build the kingdom of Heaven.  These plans, these dreams but include love; the good of others.

Let’s Open ourselves to Christ, to the divine wisdom to find that Hope.
Open ourselves to Christ in our sacraments, in our prayers, in contemplation and meditation.

And here is the rest of the story…  We are also created for mission. This is not just about us and our own personal plans.  Too many people out there are devastated, disappointed, dejected. They find little hope.

WE must incarnate hope. This is not an option, this is our reality as baptized Catholics. The couple in the story were well connected to their own extended families and to a parish community. They received so much support during this time. This, I believe, made the difference.

We must go and offer new possibilities to others, so that the probability of their life grows.

We must offer our forgiveness. We must offer up humility. We must open ourselves to generosity, mercy and compassion. Look at others with God’s eyes.

Imagine what dreams could happen!


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