4th Easter Homily - Children of God, our Core

Inside a golf ball is a tightly wound solid core which makes the ball, if hit correctly, go further. It gives it is bounce, its resilience.

Wiffle balls, those plastic balls, they are bigger than golf balls but they are also hollow. They don’t bounce or do they travel as far.

We have a solid core.

We are children of God. This is our core identity. Nothing, absolutely nothing can rob us of this, nor take it away.

The more we live this core, the farther in life we will travel and bounce back.

This is Truth.

The Christ leads us to this Truth.
The Christ leads us by living it first, being born as human and divine as Jesus.
He showed us through his actions and teachings what it means to be a Child of God; he revealed the Truth of the Father.
He died for that Truth, and revealed its fullness in the resurrection.

The search for the self for identity is a great tale.
It makes for great movies and literature. We see this in ancient Greek literature. It’s in our own modern literature...from Harry Potter to Spock, to Avengers.
It is the hero journey, for men and women alike.
Our own hero journey as Christians begins at the moment of our baptism, and it ends there. It’s a short journey. But we spend the remainder of our lives living this out, and experiencing who we are it through our own personal stories living in the Spirit, being guided in Christ.

Our core identity, our very identity is revealed in the water and the words, “I baptize you in the name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”: Children of God.
We do not have to journey to some mountain top, nor go through flame and fire; nor defeat Thanos or Dragons, or any great enemy.

We are always Children of God. This is our core.
Christ reveals to us what that means in our lives.

How that can be experienced in our daily lives, so that we are free to live life to the full...meaning we are free to love others and to receive love from others.
Being Children of God means to live with mercy, because God is mercy.

Being compassionate, because God is compassion.

Being Generous, be God is very very generous.

Children of God, who we are heal; because Jesus healed.

It is to love others and let others love us in return, this is the whole meaning of the Trinity summed up succinctly.

The trick, if you will, is to hold onto this core.
We can be led down paths that will hollow us out, like wiffle balls.

People will try to define us or tell us who we are based on their opinions.
We will try to define ourselves based on superficial things.

How will we know?    By the amount of fear, anger, sadness in our lives.

When we hold onto the Core Truth that we are truly the Children of God,
It liberates us to a new life, to the fullness of life.

We are able to endure better those trials.
We more open to love and gratitude.
We live our lives openly. We live as we were created to do.

This weekend we are doubly (or triply) blessed.
The Universal Church celebrates Vocation Day.
Here in the USA we remember Mother’s Day.
And at masses in our parish we celebrate First Communions.

Vocations express the Truth of our holiness...as religious, as married, or as dedicated single persons...vocations are a means to express love.

Vocations express of our identity as Children of God.

Motherhood expresses the Truth of Love.
The motherhood through birth. The motherhood of being a Godmother. The motherhood of nurturing and mentoring someone.

We are in the midst of celebrating First Communions in our parish
Eucharist, the mass, celebrates our identity.
Children being fed by the Father so that they will always remember they are the Father’s children.
We can never be too old for this reminder.

Of course, we remember, not only to feel good about ourselves, but to make a difference.
We remember who we are, so as to live it in our lives.

To go and live as Children of God, living as Christ, in being people of mercy, compassion, generosity; helping to heal a world that seems so wounded.

Christ leads us to all Truth. Does it form our core?


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