Easter Vigil - Choose Life

A woman born into late 19th century New York lives a bohemian lifestyle: full of vigor and energy, restless. When pregnant for the 2nd time, she begins to grasp the Catholic Faith, and begins to see her life in a new way. She later worked during the depression to support the many persons who were unemployed and founded the Catholic Worker Movement. 

A bishop was selected to become an Archbishop. Considered bookish, an intellectual, he would be thought as a placeholder until a “real” Archbishop could be found. He began to see life differently. He saw how the poor were treated horribly by the powerful families of his country. He saw how corruption had tainted those high up, both in government and church. He chose a better path, and spoke out for the rights of the poor and of all. The rich and powerful had him shot while serving mass.

How many other stories are there. How many real life stories of people who saw or were given a different path and walked it.  How many Spouses chose to forgive and find healing.  How many people chose to move from egotism to humility and self-giving.  Women and men choosing to care for the needs of another person, and forgo their own desires.

Each time this path is walked; freedom, life and love arise.

Genesis speaks of the creation. Inspired by God and experiencing chaos in their own lives, the writers of this story grasp that God created all with a deep harmony. All exists within harmony. As God is harmony, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

God created man and woman in the image, in the idea of the Son, to live in harmony with God. God created the man and woman to work for God and with God to fulfill creation, to build up the kingdom of heaven here on earth. This was our mission. This IS our mission.   We as God’s children become fulfilled when we remain in harmony with God, with mission.

Chaos ensued and ensues when we choose a different path.

God’s love never, ever ends. God desires our fulfillment; God desires the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth.  God called forth Israel to show the world the way! To be a light unto the nations; to lead by example.  We know that story, like most family stories, it has its ups and downs.

Out of Israel a child is born. He is fully human and fully divine. He is all that we are and are to be. He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.  He is that Son of God, born into this world, not because of sinfulness, but out of love for us. So that we can be complete, so that we can fulfill our mission.

Killed by those who rejected the threat of God to their perceived power, to their egos, to their ideas.  Killed by those ignorant of a better way. Killed by malice, lies, betrayal, greed…fear. All the worldly ways we are told is the way of this life. All the ways the world says to walk

He lives! He desires us to live!  He desires us to be alive like Dorothy Day and Saint Archbishop Oscar Romero, and all those many others who made a difference, and even now strive to make a difference.  

We all want life. The drive to live is part of our DNA, both physically and spiritually. The drive for life since billions of years ago cells became animated, and throughout our evolution, the drive to live has been with us. Created in us.

Life comes through forgiveness. Life comes through compassion. Life comes through mercy. It comes with Hope. Life is resilient. 

These are scary days, upsetting days for us. Yet in these days what has happened?  Friday, I heard on the news how a couple chose to buy all the groceries for the seniors in the store. This is life!

A man, a husband and father, comes home from the hospital, to be on hospice care. His family now can gather around him and accompany him. This is life.  AA groups reach out via social media, to support one another. This is life.

There are many other stories, quiet ones, of people doing good.

Sure, are there stories of people who rob the VA of masks, of people hoarding materials, buying up ammo and guns? Yes, but there is no real life there. People searching for control or living with very little hope. I am not sure If I feel sadness for them or anger?

Tonight, we celebrate in a special way what we always are called to celebrate each and every Sunday and live each and every way...Mission and life.

We celebrate the path of life given by God, in Christ, with love.  It is the light that directs us forward. It is the light we shine forth for all the world. We have a responsibility that exists from the very core of our being, to be that example of love; to show the world the better way; a way of peace, humility, forgiveness, hope, love.

This pandemic, these economic times, these political times offer us an opportunity to show the beauty of our Faith, Faith in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is there, already burning within us. 

Let it shine.


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