2nd Lent: Be all that you can Be...in God

Remember the old motto from the Army: “Be all that you can be!” It was a good motto.  Often we have particular goals/dreams: get into a particular college/university; get a particular job( usually high paying); get into heaven.  On the surface, this sounds fine, but….is that all to this life? Isn’t there more? How do we want to be when we are in college? Who do we want to be when we get our “Dream” job” Who do we want to be in heaven?

A wise person wrote that it is not the goal that matters, but the “who” we become. The journey of life is not to simply attain those particular goals, but to become who we truly are.

Then who are we truly?

In 1 John 3:2 “Beloved, we are God’s children now, what we shall be has not yet been revealed. We do know that when it is revealed we shall be like him...Everyone who has this hope based on him makes himself pure, as he is pure.”

We are God’s children. The very core of our being remains that we are a child of God. We signify this at Baptism. Our journey, our life is to express this in our person, in our unique way. We become the fullness of this. As Children of God we express who God is to the world.  Jesus’ freedom, Jesus’ salvation frees us to become one with God, so as to become the Child of God the Fullness of who we are as persons.

We remember the Transfiguration today. Jesus shone, and the three disciples witnessed it. He stands with the figure of the Law and the figure of the Prophets, both historically for the Jewish people represented God to the people. Jesus stands as THE final and full expression of all that God is to be. He Reveals to us this is our becoming as well, our identity.

But, the rest of the story, this becoming is not based on status, finances, college admin, job, rank...and it is not achieved by our own merits, but by surrendering.   Becoming ourselves is by giving of ourselves, it is by love. Not always the easiest thing to do.

Lent reminds us of this. The Why of Lent is that we come to know God on a deeper level, and thus we become more as persons. We become more to this world.


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