Sunday of Our Lord's Passion - Palm Sunday - God is good, all the time...

Caravaggio - Taking of Christ

Palm Sunday and the Passion of Jesus Christ; next week, Holy Thursday/Good Friday; we are seemingly confronted with the fallen state of humanity. Yet, is that what these readings are really about? Is this what our faith is about, how bad we humans are?

What we do need to remember and what we gather to celebrate is God’s great love, as revealed in Jesus Christ.  What we do need to remember and give thanks for is that no matter how horrible we may be; God’s love reigns supreme.

God waits, invites, pleads, desires us to see, grasp this and turn to God; and God will wipe away everything. And that will change us. Empowered by this, we begin to walk a different path, one of life.

God loves us no matter what. Remember that, celebrate that; give thanks for that. Live it.


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