4th Sunday of Easter Hearing the Voice of God

My therapist who helped me gain control over depression taught me a valuable lesson about voices, especially those in my head. He said that my voice and God’s voice will speak from the heart with clear language. Other voices that are not mine will always use “should” or its variants (ought). It was a major step for me.

I have asked this question and it has been asked of me many times…how do we hear Jesus, how do we hear the voice of God? 99.9999999999% of the time it is not an audible voice, but a pull, an intuition towards goodness.  Not easiness, but goodness. The cross was not easy, but it was good.

Jesus will speak the voice that says “Forgive. Trust. Accept forgiveness. You are loved.”  These do not come in mystical visions, or apparitions, but often in those moments of decision. “What do I need and/or want to do?”  And we have to practice listening to Jesus. The more we stop ourselves, really try to make the effort to listen to him and hear his voice, the more easier it becomes. Practice makes perfect.

Jesus was so in tune, so in harmony with the voice of God, he heard it everywhere and all the time. Yet he too made time to pray and read scripture. His decisions, his actions created goodness…he forgave, he healed, he welcomed, he gave of himself completely for the good of the world; and he lives eternally.

A great gift we can give to our children, and really ourselves, is to take that time each day and practice listening to the voice of Jesus. Pray with our kids, pray ourselves. Read scripture. Ask kids how they think they heard God/Jesus in their day (not “if” they did, because that is a yes/no question and that is what you will get as an answer).

Listening to the voice of God within brings control.


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