MGC March 27 Hope/Trust brings perseverance


  1. Beautiful stated. What I was thinking last Sunday during the readings was the great injustice the people were doing with Christ. It takes a Christ to handle Injustice. Also, I guess he never stopped talking to people he encountered because of concern that whatever He said was taken the wrong way, Sadly I have learned with friends, acquaintances, people I have never met formally, most everybody, one innocent, well meaning , respectful comment I make, and a lot of the times people gives it the wrong interpretation. Those accusing looks, snap comments thrown at my direction, I might be strong but those actions are very hard to handle. Thank you Fr. Bob, you are one of the few people sensitive and caring for others, and who I have never seen acting like some others. You are a healer, and I know that because in my worst moments I watch your morning talks and a peace overcomes me. Thank you for the beautiful work you do for the people.


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