Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion Homily

What are we searching for from this Passion?  What are we looking for in Christ?

Jesus has one heck of a week/few days.

People working to kill him.
Friends betraying him.
Friends being unrealistic
Friends not being supportive
Physical violence, lies, corruption, rejection, mockery, and of course finally, death.

It is the path of self-centeredness, self-seeking, selfishness.

Let’s be honest, that can be our weeks too; or months or seemingly our whole lives.
This is happening to us, or/and it is us doing it to others.

It causes nothing it seems but heartache, suffering.
The chaos of it all can overwhelm us.

Is this what we are called to?  Is this why we are created in God’s own image?

Look at Jesus’ response to these moments..he calls the people to something else.  He does not give in to the sins of the people, but by his words, gestures, and actions and lack of actions, reveals a different path.
To Judas’ greed he calls for compassion to others.

These friends that would scatter and deny him, Jesus brings these men, to table and fellowship; to strengthen, to prepare, almost calling out to them to be faithful, don’t give up.

When in that desperate prayer in the garden, seeking wisdom and strength for himself, and yet his closest friends sleep, he calls them out, calls on them to do better.

When confronted by the violence of his arrest, he calls for peace.
When confronted by the lies, he lets the liars condemn themselves.
When sentenced is pronounced, he trusts in the Father’s love for him

All of us have a choice in life, to follow the path of egotism, self-centeredness, self-righteousness, which ultimately kills.

Or we choose the path of our baptism, the path of Christ, the path of humility, the path of outwardness, the path of love...which brings with it life.

This is the deeper meaning of being Eucharistic.

What are we looking for?


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