Brief Homily-2nd Sunday

We will all fall short at one point or another.  What will we do?

We humans, we have so much potential for greatness.  We have so much potential for the good.  There is so much possibility for making good things happen, for reducing the suffering in our world and in our lives.

Yet, we do not always live up to this potential.  Sometimes we run short.

Sometimes our own fears get in the way, our anger, our sadness...our egos.  We hold back.
We fail to live out that potential.

God's grace empowers us to fulfill our potential.
God's grave overflows into us, so that we can be emboldened to make the best choices that reflect who we are as humans persons, as those children of God.

It is not a magic act...but empowerment for us to act.

And when we do, simple actions becomes great flavorful "miracles."

Holding a door open, becomes a show of respect and honor to an elderly person who feels left out.
A smile to a stranger becomes a show of humanity to someone who feels isolated.
Holding our tongues, remaining silent, and letting another speak becomes the miracle of community building.

A married couple are about to fall short in our gospel.  God's grace, through Jesus Christ, makes the situation better.  God is NOT parsimonious with the grace, it overflows!

God has placed so much potential within us, for a reason.  God created us to work for God, to make heaven here on earth.
God's grace, given to us freely and to which we become sensitized through our Sacramental-Liturgical, and Spiritual life,  empowers our very humanity.

So that when weak, when tired, when scared, sad, angry, lost, ignorant...we open ourselves to this mystery; and then we act accordingly.

The end?   A great celebration!


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