Sunday Homily - Baptism of the Lord

We have left the Christmas season and now embark on Ordinary Time.

The liturgical time in which we, as the disciples of Christ, explore how we are called to live our faith; to live out our mission; to be human beings.

It’s the liturgical time to discern how we live out the Salvation of Jesus Christ.

Luke’s Gospel tells us that after Jesus was baptized and as he prayed, the heavens were opened and the Holy Spirit descended…
The power of God comes through here into Creation

Imagine that...Heaven opening up here on earth…

In our world this day, people are acutely aware ever more of the connections we all share; how our own choices here can have an effect on those living far.  Heaven opens us.

In our world his day, women and men speak out against the abuse, physical, sexual and psychological, done to them by people in positions of authority, including those in our church.  Speaking up for justice. Heaven opens up.

People speaking up for the poor, those who are in harms way. Calling for justice. Heaven opens up

In our city, groups work to help those who are homeless, living on streets, and/or struggling with affordable housing.  Heaven opens up.

A young man basks in sobriety and rejoices in life.  Heaven opens up.

A couple look at each other, see the goodness each other, and stand before a community to state that they will be with each other in good times and in bad, in sickness and health all the days of their lives.  Heaven opens up.

A child is brought to a community, parents seeking to have this child live a better life.  So the community pours water of the child, baptizing the little one in the name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Heaven opens up.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the beloved Son, was born into this world, not to take us to heaven, but to bring heaven here to us.

Jesus Christ plants the seeds of the of that Kingdom God wherever and whenever he healed, he forgave, acted with justice, compassion, hospitality.

He does not do it through force, coercion or even legislations...a bruised reed he does not break.

Jesus Christ reveals that we, those children of God as well, are also to help build that kingdom of Heaven, here on earth; in our homes, in our schools, workplaces, wherever and whenever we are.

Human beings being human, that is salvation.

Heaven then is where?


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